Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter goat workshop

For those who were unable to attend the sold-out goat workshop in September, there will be another one at Antiquity Oaks Farm on Saturday, February 2. The topics covered will be the same as the September workshop -- care, breeding, birthing, soap and cheesemaking -- and this time, there are several goats due, so participants will get real life experience seeing pregnant goats and learning to determine when they might kid by looking at the belly and udder and checking tail ligaments. Several goats have already kidded, and more will be born before the workshop, so you will also get experience in determining polled or horned status in kids.

Registration for Goats: Care, Breeding, and Production is available at the Antiquity Oaks website There are also shorter classes in goat care, soap, and cheesemaking later this winter and spring.

Information about the fall homesteading conference will be posted soon!